Tuesday, February 2, 2010

another reason why I haven't written a book

Anne Lamott. A friend of mine gave me the book Traveling Mercies.  Who would have thought that I'd ever voluntarily read a book written by "a fan" (my personal feeling is that God and I are good, it's his fan club that flips me out). But my friend is always telling me great stuff she's read by this woman and in my new life I'm a little better at accepting that along with my gait and balance, my cultural viewpoints might just be a little off.

So I've been reading this book and I absolutely love it.  I really feel vindicated as far as writing goes, I now don't have to write anything for real because she already says everything  I would, but way better.  How can I not adore a "left-wing Christian" who publicly stated her belief that the right-wing members of the fan club who think "Jesus is coming back next Tuesday right after lunch" are "just spiritualizing their own hysteria."

I'm getting to be her biggest fan.

source: Anne Lamott, Traveling Mercies (Anchor Books, February 2000) p.60

1 comment:

  1. I love reading a book that makes me feel that way - doesn't happen often enough.
